Monday, November 5, 2012


This year Halloween fell on the same day as the book parade at the kids school. I'm sure they planned this and I like most parents weren't that happy about it. Because you either had to chance it and let them wear their Halloween costume all day with the hopes they wouldn't mess it up or buy 2 costumes. We went with the first option and I was happy that they actually didn't mess them up to much. 

Here is Miss Priss with her 2 best friends, Chloe and Alea (I know that's spelled wrong but I just spelled it like it sounds.) Mrs. Touchstone photo bombed them!
Here is tan man marching in the parade. His teacher is the blue crayon.
I got them out of school early after the parade to go home and take naps before we went trick or treating. We had just gone to the fair the night before so I knew they would be worn out!

Our friends Kris and Tina are youth pastors and they had church that night so we offered to take their crew with us. They were so good and the kids had such a great time.

Fisher was the cutest M&M!
3 of my favorite guys!

This picture makes me laugh! We called it Beast Mode. What's funny about it is that other than being ahead to take the picture, I was just walking alongside them as Ryan was doing all the work. I was kinda wondering why everyone was looking at me funny, now I know, lol!
After trick or treating we went to the Fall Festival at Haven Woods. We had a great time there. The pastor and his wife dressed up as Willie and Mrs. Kay from Duck Dynasty! Our family LOVES this show and records it every Wednesday night and we pile on the couch and watch it on Thursdays so we got a kick out if it!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween!!

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