Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday's Letter

Dear Boat Owner Husband of mine, Today is D Day with the boat. You are suppose to be getting it today. Maybe the last minute prayers I'm throwing up will work. If not I think this will go down as your favorite Father's Day ever. Dear Dad, I'm not a cliche type person so you wouldn't think that Father's Day would make me miss you more than normal but it does. I think it's all the "dad" songs they play on the radio during this time. I miss you and I wish you were here so we could celebrate Father's Day with breakfast at Sidney's! Love you! Dear Uncle Terry, I'm glad you didn't die of a heart attack this past week when you saw the above snake in your yard. I would have to say I have never seen you so scared in my life. I'm glad you killed it though. Dear Tanner, The above picture kinda grosses me out. I had nightmares all that night about this snake. It was huge. thankfully we didn't see it on our way home from aunt Lisa's and Uncle Terry's that night. I'm glad they were the ones to find him. Dear Courtney, I'm so looking forward to floating on a raft in the pool all day tomorrow with you! Dauphin Island here we come! Dear Aunts who obviously don't love me as much as I thought they did, My feelings are still hurt from last weekend but I guess I will let it go. I promise you guys would have had more fun with me, Whitney and Lindsey! Dear Lisa (Williams), it would probably be a good idea for you to make some new friends...I'm not to sure about the people you hang out with! (I guess that would include me! LOL) :) Dear Ryleigh, you said something this week that was so hilarious I literally couldn't stop laughing. I am however not going to put it on here because when your older and find out I posted it for all the world to see you would probably be pretty upset with me. Thank you for making me laugh. Dear Ryan, I hope you have a wonderful Father's Day weekend. I really do even though I hope some last minute craziness will ruin your boat deal. I love you more that you love your new boat...well actually I don't know if that is possible.


Anonymous said...

Dear Tiffany, a better wife I could not imagine. I wish I was there with Yall so much, so i could see what true Families do to, and for each other. I miss Your beautiful smile, Ryans laugh, ryleigh's pretty eyes and Tanners manners... Much Love sweetheart!

Anonymous said...

Love Paul...