Thursday, May 19, 2011

ABC Kindergarten

I LOVE the school Ryleigh and Tanner attend. This is our second year at ABC and I love it more every year!! I'm sad that this was Ryleigh's last year there. Tuesday was their last day and they brought home some fun things.

Tanner made this book at school. It goes through every letter and has a picture of something he colored/made/painted on each page. It's really cute. I don't keep many things but I'll keep this. It's laminated and will hold up well.
Here are a few of the pictures from it. I love how cute it turned out. This must be something new they started this year because Ryleigh didn't do one in K3.
We also got end of the year report cards on Tuesday. I was so happy to see that Ryleigh had improved from S+ to all O's (Outstanding) but 1!! I was SOOOO proud of her!!!!!

Her only S was in coordination in printing. She starts writing so fast that she doesn't focus on doing a good job.
On the back of her report card there is a place for the teachers notes and here's what Mrs. Carter wrote about her:

Ryleigh is amazing! Not only is she fashion conscious and beautiful but she is also extremely smart! She is a product of love and good parenting. I have enjoyed having her in my class! Thank you for letting me be her teacher.

We also got Tanner's report card and guess what....He also got a few O's!!!! I know, you are as surprised as I am. He got a N (Needs Help) in counting. What's funny is he can count in Spanish better then English-Stupid Dora and Diego! (I can't stand those 2 shows and have no desire for my kids to learn any language but English. We don't live in Mexico!) (Sorry for the rant.)

I was surprised at how well he did in Social Adjustment and Work Habits. It's no secret that Tanner is not a fan of school!

Mrs. Parden wrote this about Tanner in December:

Sweet Tanner, I just love him! I hoped I would have Ryleigh's brother, lucky me!!

And then she wrote this in May:

I have really enjoyed Tanner this year. He is such a cutie and so full of life. I hope you guys have a terrific Summer!

Thank you so much ABC for the education you provide to my children. Especially Mrs. Parden and Mrs. Carter! We are so thankful for you 2 and the love and patience you display with every interaction with them. I know they can sometimes be difficult so I appreciate all you do!!! Mrs. Carter, FYI Tanner is nothing like Ryleigh so good luck with him next year!! :)

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