So yesterday was the first day of the new school year! We went Sunday afternoon to open house so they could meet their teachers. Ryleigh has Mrs. Carter and Tanner has Mrs. Parden (Ryleigh's teacher from last year.) As soon as we walked into Mrs. Parden's class Tanner just started crying. He was not happy!! So I just knew the first day of school was going to be awful!

We got up that morning and they both were pretty excited about going. They had packed their own lunches the night before.

How is this little boy old enough to be in K3?? He's suppose to be a baby! I told him if he got out of the car and didn't cry and did good all day at school that I would have a surprise waiting for him when I picked him up. Around 11:00 it was killing me to know how his day was going so I texted his teacher and she said he was doing great, no tears! She even texted me a picture of him playing on the playground. He also got to be the line leader! Which is a HUGE deal! You always get to do it on your birthday and special occasions but he got picked his very first day! (I think he's Mrs. Parden's favorite!)
I am so proud of how well you did your first day of school! You didn't cry at all!! I'm looking forward to all the things you are going to learn this year. I hope you have a wonderful school year! I love you!

Miss Priss wasn't nervous at all. She kept telling Tanner everything that he could expect all day and she even told him she would walk him to his class. I think that's one reason he did so well at drop off, because she got right out with him and walked him into the building. She has a lot of her same friends in her class as last year so she was really excited about that. She also gets to sit at a desk this year instead of a table like last year.
I cannot believe you are in K4!! It makes me sad that kindergarten is right around the corner. Thank you so much for being so brave and sweet in front of Tanner. You really helped his day go much more smoothly. You are such a great big sister! I can't wait to see all the things you are going to learn this year! I am so proud of you and I love you so much!! Hope you have a great school year!!
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