A few weeks ago we took the kids to Toys R Us to look around and get a feel for what they wanted for Christmas. We explained going in that we weren't buying anything just looking. We came up with the idea to take pictures and "email them to Santa!" I know its corny but they were really excited about taking pictures of the things they liked.
Ryleigh really wants a camera. I think we may wait on this until her birthday though.

She is obsessed with My Little Pony! Ryan's granddad got her this.

She LOVED this My Little Pony amusement park.

And of
course she wanted this Tinkerbell doll!

She is really into doing her hair and things like that so she really wants this. I haven't gotten it yet but I think I might.

Tanner loves Batman! He said he wanted this but I think it was just because he saw the Batman sign, not because he really would play with it.

This is one of the things I'm most excited about! I love
Lego's!! I couldn't wait until he was old enough to play with the small ones.

He also wanted these 2 big trucks. Like we don't already have enough trucks!

He really likes
dinosaurs. We haven't gotten this yet but I think we might.
I think it'll be fun to look back in a few years at the things they wanted when they were 2 and 3. We are pretty much done with their Christmas shopping. I need one more present for Ry so I may go get that hair set. I think they'll like everything we got them. I finally wrapped most of it Sunday night and put it under the tree and they were so excited when they got up Monday morning! I always let them pick out their own TACKY character wrapping paper. That way it makes it easy to tell which present goes to who and they can tell also. This year Ryleigh picked Tinkerbell and Tanner picked Transformers.
I'm kinda excited about being done with Christmas shopping this early in December!
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