Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday's Letter

Dear Ryan, you've asked me many times what I would like for Mother's looked puzzled every time I respond with a clean house and a whole day to spend by myself...isn't this what all Mothers want?? Dear Ryleigh, you are so excited to give me the present that you made me for Mothers Day...I want to wait until Sunday to open it though. I did however enjoy our intense conversation we had last night while waiting on the boys to get home. It always amazes me when you use words like Aggravated, astonished and perplexed. Your vocabulary is larger than mine! Dear Tanner, TBall is over. HALLELUJAH!!!!! I know you are as excited as I am. Dear above picture, this is how I feel about this week...EXHAUSTED! Dear Mom, what do you want for Mother's Day? A clean house and a day all to yourself? Done! :) Dear Something Borrowed, I'm determined to see you this weekend even if I have to go by myself. Maybe that's what I'll do on my day all to myself!! :) Dear Ryan, sorry I chickened out on you guys on Sunday. Getting up at 5:30 to ride 37 miles just didn't sound very fun to me. I am however so proud of you for finishing in the top 50! You're amazing! You'll rock the 67 mile RIDEYELLOW in a few weeks!

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