Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

We went to Ryan's grandpas house first and then went to Aunt Tena's house.
This would of been a cute picture if Tanner was looking! 
Ryleigh took this picture of Whitney with my camera. She got her own camera for Christmas and loved it! I'll post some of the pictures she took. 
Mom looks very surprised in this picture!

It looks like Whitney grew! She hates that she is so short compared to the rest of us.
Nana and Paw Paw
Much better picture of mom and Tanner
Ryleigh and La La. Larry's son Patrick came down for Christmas and as I was uploading pictures I noticed I didn't have any of him! 
I love this picture except that my eyes are closed and I look really fat! Diet for the New Year here I come!
Another shot for our CD that's coming out in the net few months! : )
Isn't he so cute!
Grandaddy, Lincoln and Lindell
Ry and Tanner with Grandaddy 
He is so cute!
Miss Priss opening presents

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