Friday, December 31, 2010
Top 10 of 2010
(You can click the link on each one to view the post.)
Snow Day-This was such a fun day! To see snow in Mobile, Alabama!! The 4 of us don't care for cold weather so we are glad it doesn't snow often but when it did it was so fun to enjoy it!
Tanner turned 3-I still can't believe it and now he's almost 4!
Ryleigh turned 4-I don't know what it is about the age that she is at now but she is so excited about her upcoming 5th birthday! Is it at this age that it all kind of clicks for them? They understand they are getting older and what comes along with it...
Tanner played Tball-Still not sure about how we felt about this moment of 2010...some times he loved it and sometimes he hated it! He does say that he is going to play again this year. We shall see I guess!
Spring Break 2010-This has become one of my most favorite [parts of the year! A week at the beach in a nice condo with all my favorite people for pretty cheap since we all split it...yes, please! I can't wait to see what Spring Break 2011 holds this year!
Ryleigh's dance recital-Ryleigh had her first dance recital this past year. She did so good and we are so proud of her! I can't wait for this years recital. She is in 4 dances and I can't wait to see her in her hip hop routine!
ABC Kindergarten-Both of my babies were in school this year. Ryleigh started K4 and is doing so well. Tanner started K3 and bless his heart, he is getting the hang of it. We love ABC and are so thankful for the education they are receiving and the teachers who are there!
Disney-We took the plunge and went to Disney this year! It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we went. I don't however feel the need to go again for a LONG time. We are Beach Bums at heart and Disney was just to much.
Evan-Bless his heart. He gave us the scare of a lifetime and I'm so glad he's ok. We love you Evan and we look forward to MANY, MANY more years with you! Please don't do anything crazy anymore! :)
Lindsey-She gave us 2 big moments of 2010. She got married and I was the maid of honor and Ryleigh and Tanner were the flower girl and ring bearer. (Notice I still haven't put up any pictures of the wedding. I promise I'm going to. She just recently got the CD from the photographer.) The 2nd BIG moment is that she is pregnant!!!!! I know I've just blogged about it recently so there is probably no need to tell you all HOW EXCITED WE ARE!!!!!!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas Eve
First we went to Ryan's Granddads and had Christmas with them. The kids LOVE going over there because there are a lot of kids who are around their age.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Warning: This post contains way to many exclamation points and capital letters. Its the only way I can show you guys HOW EXCITED I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am OVERJOYED to announce that Lindsey and Brandon are Expecting!!!!!!She is going to be a MOM and I'm going to be an AUNT!!!!!!
(Also Brandon is going to be a dad! Let's not forget about him! He played a big role in the whole thing! Ha ha!!)
So a little back story for everyone that I want to remember in years to come. The other day I was on Facebook and saw where Lindsey's friend Crystal had wrote on Lindsey's wall. She wrote "Can't wait until Christmas! ;)"
Ok, when you just read that did you notice the winky smiley face? Probably not but I did! I immediately called Lindsey like 5 times and texted her another 5. She wasn't responding to me and I was getting more excited by the minute. Why you may ask? Why would I get so worked up over a winky smiley face?? Well Crystal is pregnant and somehow I just KNEW that Lindsey was to and that is why Crystal wrote that. I just KNEW that she knew Lindsey was pregnant and Lindsey was waiting until Christmas to tell us.
When Lindsey wouldn't answer I immediately called Whitney and told her what I read and what I thought. She said..."Calm down Tiffany I think you are reading way to much into this winky smiley." I thought maybe you are right but who writes they are ready for Christmas on someones facebook wall for no reason and uses a WINKY SMILEY!!!! Not a regular one a WINKY SMILEY!!! Lindsey beeped in while I was talking to Whitney so I asked her if she was pregnant. She INSISTED that she wasn't and that she had no idea what Crystal meant by it and that actually she hadn't even noticed the winky smiley.
Well, fast forward to Christmas Eve. We were all there and Whitney and I go on to tell the story about the winky smiley and how I got so worked up over nothing. (that was Whitney's words, not mine. It wasn't nothing, it was a WINKY SMILEY!!) anyway, anyone who knows us knows how animated we are so we go on and on telling the story and everyone is talking about how dumb I am for reading so much into the stupid WINKY SMILEY.
Well fast forward to Christmas day. We are all at moms eating breakfast and Lindsey and her whole family came over to see us. Well Lindsey walked over to Nana and all of a sudden I hear Nana squeal and in 2 seconds flat I was over there. Guess What............(I know you already know but humor me...)
Lindsey is PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She has known since THANKSGIVING and has kept it a secret! Her friend Crystal did know because she saw Lindsey at the doctor. She wanted to wait and tell her parents Christmas morning and then told all of us.
Lindsey, I am SO SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED for you guys!!!!! You are going to be a wonderful mother!!! I also promise to be a WONDERFUL AUNT!!!!!!!!
I think I'm getting on Ryan's nerves it's all me and Ryleigh talk about anymore! We can't wait to keep it. I also can't wait until we find out what it is. She already has names picked out which I LOVE but I didn't ask her if I can share them so I'll wait on that! I'm also planning her a gender reveal party for when she finds out what it is. I can't wait!
CONGRATULATIONS Lindsey and Brandon!!! We couldn't possibly be happier for you!! (As you can tell from all the capital letter and my use of exclamation points!!!!!!)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Parties, Parties and more Parties!!
He did not like the reindeer hat! They played games, ate and exchanged presents at their party. They also put on a little program of songs as well. Tanner doesn't care to much for singing so he just stood there most of the time.
So I'm sure it goes without saying I am partied out! We have nothing planned between now and Christmas Eve so I'm just going to enjoy hanging out with my crew. I probably won't blog anymore until after Christmas so I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Happy Birthday Ryan!

Happy Birthday Dear Ryan,

Happy Birthday to you!

Monday, December 20, 2010
Can you believe it?? My Nana not thinking I would turn out of all people! :) (Believe it or not I was quite a handful when I was younger. I know SHOCKER!! :) )
Honestly, she didn't mean it like that. She went on to explain how she loves that I care so much about our family. She also said that everyone of us has a special place in heart but mine is the biggest! (OK, maybe she didn't say exactly that but you know what I mean.)
It got me thinking. Why am I the way that I am when it comes to our family? I LOVE our family and I always try to make sure we do stuff together and include everyone. My mom and all of her sisters are really close and I try my best to make sure I stay close with all of my cousins.
Nana said she and mom think that it has to do with me losing my dad. I had never thought about it like that. They think that with me losing him that I see how short life can be and I want to make sure we spend time with the ones who are important to us. That may be it...I'm not sure.
I had always thought that it was just because I realized friends come and go but family stays forever. (That so sounds like it needs to be cross stitched on a pillow!) For real though. I had tons of friends in school and at that time they were more important to me than anything. I would drop a family get together in a heartbeat to hang out with them...are we friends still? Most of them no. We still talk occasionally and keep up through facebook but that's about it. I learned that it may sound cliche but it's true. In the end your family is going to be the one that stands by you.
So whatever the reason I am the way I am, I'm thankful to be this way. Our family is crazy, loud, hilarious and sometimes weird but I LOVE that about them and I love everyone in it!
And now that I said nice things about you all make sure you get me a good Christmas present! Ha Ha! :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday's Letter
Dear Ryan, I would venture to say you are the best dad in the world. You care about our kids more than anything and take off for everything. I hope you and Ryleigh have a great time at her Christmas party. Dear Ryleigh you make me laugh. This morning you said to dad, "Are you wearing that to my Christmas party?" (buckle jeans and an affliction button up) He said "Yes, I am. Why what's wrong with it?" "I really want you to just wear your old work clothes." Ryan asked her why and she said "Because mostly mommas go to Christmas parties and when you wear your good clothes you look cute but when you wear your work clothes you don't. I don't want every ones mommas thinking you look cute!" I DIED laughing!!!! It was HILARIOUS!!!!! Dear Ryleigh, you are getting 2 letters today because I had to tell the above story. You did so good at visitors day at dance. You are coming along in Hip Hop I pray you don't take after me! Dear Melinda Leigh's Dance School, Thank you for having visitors night. It's so fun to go in and watch them. Sorry that we may have broken the 2 person rule by like 5 people! :) What can I say Ryleigh has a lot of people that love her! Dear Tanner, I had so much fun at your Christmas party yesterday. You are such a sweet sweet boy and I love you. You may also qualify as a giant. You are at least 4-5 inches taller than everyone in your class. Dear Nana, shopping with you yesterday deserves it's own post. But I will say please get a debit card. You will thank me later! Dear Stokley, I think you look good in work clothes or good clothes! Please don't pick up a new momma today at Ryleigh's Christmas party! :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christmas cards
This year I LOVE our card!! Love it! I like them because for the first time they are actual cards made out of card stock. Christmas past we have just had the photo paper card where the whole thing looks like a picture. I really love the quality of these this year. Shutterfly had a lot of really cute ones I loved but in the end I let Ryan pick and I knew he would pick this one. He always says we are blessed. The only thing I would change is I wish it said Christmas instead of Holiday Season. I could care less about being politically correct. It isn't a "Holiday Season" it's CHRISTMAS, Jesus's birth!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Children of the World
We had 3 girls...yes 3. So that means we had 5 kids this weekend. I know, I can't believe it either.
First we had V for Uganda. She was the most outgoing and the loudest. It didn't take her long to warm up to us and she was ready to go. She lost her dad when she was very young and was sent to live in the orphanage. She is doing remarkably well now and she was so much fun to have. When we were coming down our dirt road she said "We have rodes like this in Uganda!"
S from Nepal was quieter than V but still outgoing. She was so cute. I would say that she was the moodiest of the 3. She reminded me a lot of me. If things weren't going her way she would pout. But it was still so sweet and cute. Saturday when we were getting ready for the Christmas parade I was putting Ryleigh's bow in and S's eyes got so big. She had never gotten to wear a bow. So I took her in Ryleigh's room and pulled out her bow drawer. S's eyes lit up! They don't ever ask for anything so she just stared. I asked her if she would like to wear one and she literally got so excited. She put 6 in her hair! Thankfully I was able to talk her into just wearing one...the biggest one!
AR is from the Philippines. I hate to say we had a favorite but we did and it was by far AR. She was so beautiful and so timid. My heart just broke for her. She was very quiet. I seriously LOVED her, we all did. Ryleigh just took to her. They held hands basically the whole time she was with us. She was really shy around Ryan at first but towards the end she really warmed up to him. It was just something about her...we all felt drawn to her. I would adopt her in a minute. Seriously, we even asked but unfortunately these kids aren't adoptable. They travel around to put a face to the terrible needs in their countries. The whole time during their performance on Sunday we couldn't help but watch AR. She was so quiet the whole weekend but when she got on stage her face just lit up. She was dancing and singing. The whole time she sang she had her eyes closed and her hands stretched towards heaven. After everything she has been through (we don't know their back stories we weren't allowed to ask) she still worships the creator.
Friday night we took them to Bellingrath Gardens and to eat at Ci Ci's pizza. They LOVED Ci Ci's. Loved it. Anyone who knows we knows that I am not an emotional person. I rarely cry or get attached to people. But Friday night they all sang that song Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am a life that was changed. Thank you for giving to the Lord. I am so glad you gave.
Yall, I was crying. It just broke my heart how sweet and innocent these kids are. It made me think of Ryleigh and Tanner's sheltered lives and my heart just broke for these kids. It's not fair that the leading cause of deaths in their countries is unclean water. UNCLEAN WATER!!! We go to the sink and turn the water on and let it run then entire time we are washing dishes or brushing our teeth. As Americans we use more water in a single flush of the toilet than they use all day long.
Walking away from the weekend I couldn't really tell you how I felt...did Ryleigh and Tanner see that there are kids in this world who aren't as well off as them...probably not. Did they make some new friends...yes. Did Ryan walk away changed...probably not. He has always had a heart for missions and children. Did I walk away changed...more than anything. Sandi and Freddy our children's pastors said how proud they were of me for doing this. Doing something that everyone who knows me knows I wouldn't normally do. I wouldn't be proud of me...I'm actually kinda ashamed I never did anything before. My eyes have been opened to the hurting world around us.
Thank you V, S, and AR for doing this. The 3 days I spent with you has changed my life forever.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Tour of Homes