We had a wonderful Christmas!! I'm going to do 2 separate post, Christmas Eve then Christmas day. One thing I regret already is I didn't take very many pictures. I missed out on getting pictures of so many people. I have got to get better at that.
First we went to Ryan's Granddads and had Christmas with them. The kids LOVE going over there because there are a lot of kids who are around their age.

Is this not the cutest little boy! I could literally eat his cheeks they are so cute!!!

We opened presents over there and ate. I love how we do it at 3 so I don't feel rushed and we get to sit back and enjoy it. We don't get to see his family nearly enough so it's always fun when we get to!

After that we went to Aunt Tena's to do Christmas with my side of the family.

Please look at how much taller than me he is! It's hard to get both of our heads in the picture because mine is at the bottom and his is at the top!

Ryleigh loves Evan!

I have a picture I wish I could find of us standing in this exact same spot with this same tree. It was Ryleigh's first Christmas and I was pregnant with Tanner. Man how time flies!

I LOVE this goofy, silly, crazy family that I have!

I wish I would have gotten a picture of all of the families...Like I said I have GOT to get better at that! Aunt Velvet is really good about taking pictures. She should be the blog photographer! What do you think Velvet? :)

Faith and Ryleigh...I couldn't get this to flip over. Aren't they both so cute! This time next year we will have another baby in the family...Ry and I are hoping for a girl!

Some of my absolute favorite people in the world!

Me and Paw Paw. I know he thinks I'm insane but thankfully he loves me anyway!

We played Dirty Santa and ate way to much food!

By the time we left there it was like 9:00 and we still had to go home and get everything together. We managed to keep the kids up the whole way home. I really didn't want them to fall asleep in the car. When we got home we fed the reindeer.

Good thing Gus likes Reindeer food!

Then we put out cookies for Santa.

Did you notice Tanner's "Christmas" pajamas? When we went to get Christmas pajamas he wouldn't get any with Santa or anything on them. He said those were sissy pajamas! So we compromised on red pirate ones. I love that kid!
They went right to sleep and Ryan and I got to work putting everything out. Ryan was EXHAUSTED! They had went scuba diving all Christmas Eve morning so he was wore out. He was a trooper though and helped me get everything out before we went to sleep.

(It looks like Tanner got more presents than Ryleigh. He didn't. They had an equal number his just look like more because the boxes are bigger. I just didn't want anyone to think I wasn't being fair!)
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