Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day!

Man I need to get better at blogging again. I hate doing it but love having the ability to go back and look at everything.

The past 2 days we have been "snowed" in! We don't see snow much in Alabama and didn't really see much this time but we did get lots and lots of ice!

School is canceled for 3 days and both Ryan and my work have been closed for the past 2 days. Still waiting to hear about tomorrow.

Yesterday morning there wasn't any ice but around 2 it started coming down. Ryan went and picked up Jordan and Lil' Ryan to come over and hang out. They needed up spending the night.

We got the skim board out and were pulling it behind the golf cart. Well of course Uncle Terry had to take it a step further. He broke out the 4 wheeler, ski rope and knee board. We had so much fun!!

Whitney braved the icey roads today to come over. It took her 30 minutes to go 5 miles. I'm glad she made it over safely!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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