Well I really wanted to post the pictures of my new bedroom but I thought I should post the last weekend ones first since we area already on a new weekend. Which by the way has started off wonderfully. I had Mexican (my favorite food) with Whitney (my favorite person) and laughed so hard Diet Coke literally came out of my nose. It's actually still burning.
Last weekend we had Beter's (Aunt Velvet's) 40th birthday. It was a surprise party and she was soooooo surprised. Like she had no idea when we invited her over on the night of her birthday and she pulled up and saw 100 cars. I know we are geniuses at throwing "surprise" parties!
It was a really fun night. The 3 of us tried to take like 100 pictures so by the time we got a halfway decent one Blakeley was OVER pictures!
These are out of order and my computer won't cooperate. But Friday night Ryan and Tan Man went hog hunting so Ryleigh Claire (FYI she goes by Ryleigh Claire now. She informed me of this 2 weeks ago and is dead serious. She even writes it on all of her school work now. Which is totally fine with me because I absolutely love the name Claire. Love it!) anyway, I feel like I can't pick up from before the parenthesis since there's a whole 'nother paragraph sandwiched in there about a 6 year old apparent name change. Which by the way, did I mention she's dead serious about the name change?Anyway she had a slumber party with friends from school. My house was a COMPLETE disaster which in my book = slumber party success!
Well apparently we are back to Velvet's party now...Love these 3. That is all.
Blakeley is growing sooooo fast!!! I got to babysit her for the first time last Thursday. Which if I am correct means I was the first one other than a grandparent to babysit her. Whoop Whoop!
Happy 40th Birthday to Beter Beter Pumpkin Eater!!! We love you!!!
He is so tall and reminds me of one of those huge teddy bears that one may get on Valentines Day. I wouldn't know about receiving the actual bear because Ryan knows my love language is not stuffed animals. I'm serious, they stress me out and I only allow a very minimal amount in our house. I would however allow Jordan in our house :) We love him!!
After Velvet's party Lindsey and Whitney decided to go over to our house and roll Ryleigh's bedroom with toilet paper. Well when Ry, (excuse me, Ryleigh CLAIRE) Tanner and Chloe came home they of course thought I did it. I had gone off with Whit so I wasn't home to defend myself but when I did get home late that night this is what I find done to my room...Exhibit A
Exhibit BAnd that is just part of it. It was EVERYWHERE!!! I'm just warning you Lindsey and Whitney, you know what they say about payback!
And we capped off our weekend with church and Mexican!
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