Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Anniversary to my favorite guy!

Want to know what I love about Ryan? I'll make you a list...

1. I love the fact that we are so much a like it's scary. We are both stubborn, hard headed and opinionated...put us together and you get RYLEIGH! Lord, help us!

2. I love the fact that he is at everything for our kids. Literally, everything. He doesn't miss a dentist appt, dr appt, soccer game, Tball game, dance recital or anything else that goes on in their lives. I think that says a lot about him as a Dad. When they look back on their childhood they'll always remember that they had a Dad that was present. You can't replace that.

3. I love that we know what to expect of each other. He knows that there is no way he's going to come home to a home cooked meal and I know to never expect him to do laundry.

4. I love that we went weeks without a sheet on our bed and for some reason it didn't bother either one of us. We actually didn't even think it was weird until Mom basically freaked out about it. She has since brought us a new set of sheets over, lol!

5. I love how we end every night with a few rounds of UNO as a family before sending the kids to bed. It's one of my favorite parts of the day.

6. I love how when we are together he never expects me to drive or pump gas.

7. I love our story. As Ryleigh has gotten older she has started to ask about our lives and how we met. I love that I married my high school sweetheart.

8. I love that he never has an opinion on which restaurant we are going to eat at.

9. I love that he went against everything I thought and said, and bought a boat. I love the boat almost as much as I love him.

10. I love that he's there for me. I love that he's always on my side. I love that we are on the same team and I love him!

Here's to many, many more years Ryan!

Here's my favorite anniversary post

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