When you request a cast net and a crab trap for your birthday instead of a bike or video game when you're only 5...you've got salt water in your veins.
When you know Port-side and Starboard side better than left and right...you've got salt water in your veins.When you would rather catch minnows than build sandcastles or jump waves...you've got salt water in your veins.
When you know the difference in a speckled trout, white trout, red fish and snapper...you've got salt water in your veins.
When you know that the reason we slowed down in the boat is because "It's a no wake zone"...you've got salt water in your veins.
When you know what a BC is and all the other equipment used for diving and spear fishing and you can't wait until you turn 10 to get certified...you've got salt water in your veins.
When you know how to bait, cast and reel in your own fish better than you know how to ride a bike...you've got salt water in your veins.
When you know the various limits of the different fish you can catch before you "limit out"...you've got salt water in your veins.
When someone is reeling in their fish and the first thing you scream is "GET THE NET!!!!!"...you've got salt water in your veins.
When you're the only 5 year old who could probably get an actual job as a real deckhand...you've got salt water in your veins.
Tanner loves anything to do with the water. He gets up at 4 am like a champ to fish the day away with all the guys. He never complains and everyone is always amazed at how much he knows about fishing and the water in general. One of our friends said this weekend, "Man, that boys got salt water in his veins!" It's one of the truest statements I've heard in along time!
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