Saturday, November 5, 2011


The soccer season has came and gone and I'm actually sad to see it go. As much as I hate to admit it we had so much fun playing soccer this year! I was really sad that my only girl didn't want to take dance anymore. Actually sad isn't the word...I was heartbroken. She was giving up dance for soccer??? Soccer is a boy sport!
I didn't know how good she would be or if she would even like it but she sure showed me! She was soooooo good! And I feel like all of you know me well enough to know that if my kids aren't good at something I have no problem saying that. If you're good, you're good. If you're not, you're not.
I think the reason she liked it so much was because it was competitive. They didn't technically keep score and everyone got to play the exact same amount of time. But everyone knew who won at the end of the game. Especially Ryleigh. We had to have a few talks about good sportsmanship. I had a hard time with Ryan talking to her about that though. I have mixed feelings on it because I feel like if you are good then you should be able to celebrate that. But I guess there's a fine line and our girl needs to find it. Currently she isn't to good at that. She would celebrate when someone else on her team did well so she's not a bad sport, she just really wants to celebrate when she does well.
One of the big reasons why I think she likes soccer better than dance is because she does have such a competitive spirit. She gets that from me...I can make anything into a competition. Seriously, anything! Dance just doesn't offer her the reward of feeling like a winner and I get that now. It also doesn't give her the opportunity to show off and be the center of attention....another trait she inherited from her Mom. No one can go watch her dance on a weekly basis but everyone can and did come watch her play soccer. She likes to be recognized for her work and soccer provided that for her.
Although I am sad that I don't have a little ballerina anymore, I am excited to have a soccer All Star! (A trait she did not get from her Momma!) I glad she has found a sport that allows her to be competitive, recognized and rewarded for doing well!
We are so proud of you Ryleigh Claire!

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