Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday's Letter

Dear Ryan, I hope you are having fun at the Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo! 3 straight days of nothing but fishing from sun up to sun down...I'll pass. Dear Ryleigh, Madison and Madisson, you 3 have got to be the prettiest girls ever. I'm so glad you are friends and I hope yall always stay friends. Dear Ryleigh and Tanner, it's just the 3 of us this weekend...what do you guys wanna do??? Dear Nana and Paw Paw, I enjoyed coming over on Tuesday night. I promise to come over more often. Dear Evan, Please get a hair cut! Please! You kinda look like Wold Man when you poof it all up like in the picture below. Poor Skylar. Dear Lunch Supplies, I bought 20 cases of Capri Suns (200 drinks) and 20 lunchables for $12 today. I know, I rock!! Dear Aunt Cheryl, The older I get the more I am turning into you! Dear Whitney, Jordan, Evan, Ryan and Lindsey, I'm so mad none of you will make time in your busy schedules to go see the new Harry Potter movie with me. This REALLY makes me sad. Dear Ward, I don't think anyone is following you on twitter because your twitter name is lame like yall's fishing team shirts. Just kidding! :) Also, would you please not let Ryan blow our life savings at the fishhing rodeo? Thanks! Dear Ryan, I hope you catch the biggest fish and win a new Contender. If you do I will take care of selling your current boat and I get to keep the profit! Love you!

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