We have had SOOOO much going on this past week that I haven't been able to keep up. It's been a very trying and tiring week. This past weekend we went to the Gulf Breeze Zoo with some friends or ours as kinda a little birthday celebration for Tanner. I had a ton of pictures but they won't post big and I don't really feel like dealing with it. Here is Sarah's recap of the trip. It was a lot of fun! After the zoo we went to Destin and ate dinner and took the kids to the beach. We were there during the sunset and it was so pretty! I couldn't believe the kids played in the water! They are insane.
In other news. The kids are learning so much at school. I would say that Ryleigh can officially read. She has read 2 books so far. She is so proud of herself! We have to be careful about what we spell out now when we don't want them to know what we are saying. It's happened twice so far where she was able to figure it out. This morning on the way to curves we were arguing about the fact that she should not get a cell phone for her 5th birthday. Well she is her father's daughter and had a whole list of reasons why she should. Because what if she needed to call 911 because all 3 of us were hurt! When we got to Curves she was still talking about it so she asked Mrs. Kim what she thought. Mrs. Kim then said what did your dad say? I know he would say Y-E-S. Ryeligh said, "Me to, I know he would say yes!" So add that to the list of words she can spell! :)
Tanner still likes school about as much as you would like to have a root canal. He doesn't cry or anything when we take him but everyday I pick him up and ask how his day was he says, "Not good." He has no reasons as to why. He just doesn't like the structure that school offers. Bless his heart, he's in for a rude awakening next year when he has to go for 5 days. He is learning to write his name which I am so proud of! He is left handed which for some reason makes me smile. (I have no idea why. Maybe because most presidents are left handed! :))
Ryan and I have both been working our butts off. He is on 5 12 hour shifts. Which if you know him you know he hates because he loves his Friday's off. At least he is getting a lot of overtime! I have recently been promoted at work and will move to my new branch soon. I'm going to be the branch manager. I am very excited. I always said I wanted to make a list of 25 things I wanted to do/accomplish before I was 25. I never made the complete list but I did put a few things down and becoming a branch manager was one of them! 
1 comment:
Congratulations on becoming Branch Manager! How exciting!
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