Dear Mr. Stokley, watching you watch Everybody Loves Raymond makes me laugh almost as much as he makes you laugh. He's good, because it takes a lot to make you laugh. Dear Whitney, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Whitter Whitter Litter Critter, Happy Birthday to you. You are going to rock 21! Dear Friday, I am off today!! Woo Hoo!! Dear Tanner, I'm looking forward to running errands with you this morning while Ryleigh is at school. Please be good! :) Dear Ryleigh, I talked to Tina and she said you can spend the night with her Saturday night and you are staying at Mi Mi's tomorrow night. This makes the 4th weekend in a row where you have spent the night away both nights. YOU ARE GETTING TO BIG!!!! Dear Christmas Cards, I received you in the mail yesterday and I want to jump up and down I love you so much! Dear Ryan, Happy Anniversary! Last night as we were putting the kids in the bed and Ryleigh wakes up from a dead sleep and says "Tanner, if you pee in my bed I'm going to punch you in the face!" We looked at each other and died laughing at that moment I fell more in love with you than I ever was. I love you, our insanely funny kids and the life we have made together. Here's to 66 more years!

+ Me

= a good team!

I know, I surprise myself with how corny I am today!
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