I know Disney seems to have been forever ago but I really want all these pictures and post to be on our blog so here is Disney Day 3- Animal Kingdom!
We went to AK on Monday and get there when they opened at 8. I knew that this was going to be one of our favorite parks. And it was. The whole thing is just beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous!

Our first stop on the morning was the safari. Tanner LOVED the Safari. Seriously did not want to get off of it.

He loved looking at all the animals. His favorite was the giraffes. Once we got off we were sure to get a fast pass because we knew he would want to ride later in the day.

We then walked to go see It's
Tough to be a Bug. I didn't know how Tanner would do with this show. I mean he's obviously obsessed with bugs and animals but this is kinda in your face and has some "mean" bugs. He did really good. A few times during the intense parts he would just close his eyes. Overall though they both really liked the show.

We then made our way to Dino Land where they have a few amusement park type rides for kids and a huge bone yard that you can play in the sand. The kids really liked this part of the park. They got to meet Winnie the Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore.

The thing about writing this so long after we went is that it's hard to remember everything we did.

Around lunch time Ryleigh fell asleep in the stroller so it was just us and Tanner. We let him do whatever he wants and he just wanted to walk around and look at all the animals. They have a lot of "trails" you can go down and see animals.

We ate lunch at the Flame Tree BBQ and opted not to wake Ryleigh up for lunch. We sat outside on a pier that went over the lake. It was so nice. It was the most peaceful lunch we had the whole time we were in Disney!

Ryleigh didn't miss to much. We walked around and did these little activity things they have in each part of the park so we wouldn't have to wake her up but she still wouldn't miss anything big.

Tanner was sure to rub it in her face though once she did wake up!

Once Ryleigh got up we went and watched the Nemo show. Tanner and I liked it but Ryleigh and Ryan didn't. They have a 3 second attention span and don't really like TV or movies. It was a really good show though.

After that Ryleigh was starving because she had missed lunch so she and I set off to get her some lunch while the boys went to ride the safari again.

We then went to see the Lion King Show. We all really liked this show. It's nothing like what you would think when I say The Lion King. Ryan and Ryleigh even liked it because it was pretty interactive. After that we walked around and rode all the rides they wanted to ride again. We really liked the Animal Kingdom...well I would say Tanner and I did more than Ryan and Ryleigh.
Animal Kingdom isn't really an all day park especially when you get started at 8 am so we had made plans to head to Downtown Disney for the night. We ate Dinner at Planet Hollywood and it started STORMING! Of course I didn't bring our bag with our rain ponchos either! We just waited for a few minutes when we were done eating and it passed over. The good thing about the storm was it also drove all the crowds away. It seriously felt like we had Downtown Disney all to ourselves!
They loved the Lego store!

We also let them spend their money that night. and boy did they! They both had $60 and they spent every dime. It was so funny watching them ration out their purchases and really deciding what they wanted. We went in the huge Disney store (it's the biggest one in the world) and were in there for what felt like FOREVER.

They found this one store that had everything for $10 or less and it was like a jackpot to them! Ryleigh bought a baby Pluto in there and Tanner bought a Pirate set that came with an eye patch, sword and stuff like that. It was the beginning of his Pirate and Pirate ship obsession!
Next up: Epcot!
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