Saturday was a busy day for us. That morning Ryan and I got up early and went and rode bikes. (Thanks Aunt Velvet for keeping the kids!) We rode 16 miles, yea I know that's a long way! We rode on the side of the road which I was really nervous about but it ended up being fine. There isn't much traffic in West Mobile at 7 AM. We then went and ate breakfast at Starbucks! There are not many things in this world that I love to do more than to get a Grande White Chocolate Mocha and sit outside of Starbucks and talk to my favorite guy in the world. It was a great morning with some much needed time together!
After that Ryan had a side job to do so I went and got the kids and we went to the fruit stand (which they loved) and the library.
That afternoon Tanner had his last Tball game, can I get an Amen! I'm so glad Tball is over and I have to say I'm not cut out to be a ballpark mom. More on that later though.
After Tball we headed to Nana's for "Fun in the Sun" part 1 as Whitney named it!
Everyone came over and we ordered pizza and made a huge slip and slide. We had a great time!

I was very scared here that Evan would grab my legs as he went through my legs and make me fall!

I know we are so weird!

Can I please tell you how much I LOVE THIS GIRL!! She always makes me smile!
She decided that she wouldn't have to shower Saturday night since we played in so much soap. She also said she wished she would have brought all her dirty clothes and kept changing as she went down so they would be clean!

Tanner didn't want to get wet!

I didn't want to go on my stomach it hurt to bad!

What can I say...we are one of a kind!

We also played freeze tag and Red Rover, Red Rover. Ryleigh LOVES Red Rover. It's seriously her favorite thing to play ever! Once she was called to run through and we let her break through and the look on her face was priceless!! She was so excited to have broken through the hands and about getting to pick someone to take back with her. She would literally play this game for hours if we would let her!
It was a great afternoon!! Fun in the Sun part 2 is coming up in June. We are all going canoeing!
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