We've been at the beach for almost a week now and have had the best time hanging out with our family. We've had ALOT of laughs and most of the time they were at Aunt Velvet's expense. So to let her know how much we love and appreciate her we are dedicating this blog post to our Wonderful, Fabulous, Beautiful Aunt Velvet!!
She is one of the best cookie makers we know. She can scoop the pre-made cookie dough out onto the pan and bake it like no ones business! Ryleigh and Tanner always know if they want to make cookies (or eat the cookie dough out of the container) Velvets their best bet!
They have loved cooking cookies this week and then heading out to the balcony to wait on them to be finished and Aunt Cheryl would come serve them to them outside.
We've had a lot of laughs waiting on the boys to come home late at night. Here she is talking to to "someone" on the phone. She says I'm to loud when she's on the phone. Me, Loud? No Way!
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