The new exhibit they have at the exploreum is Dinosaurs Alive. It's life size dinosaurs that move and one actually spits water. We thought it would be a lot cooler than it actually was. Tanner is the only kid out of the 3 who actually enjoyed it.
From smallest to largest!
Ry and me playing with the camera waiting on them to come back inside. She was over the dinosaurs and the cold really quick!
This was a dinosaur dig exhibit. They really liked doing this until the big kids came in and started throwing sand everywhere.
Trying to turn the little wheel to make the big wheel behind them turn. Just an FYI: you would have to turn the little wheel 1,000 times to make the big wheel go around once. We gave up after like 10 turns!
My precious 3 year old!
Where's Ryleigh??
After the Exploreum we walked and had lunch at Hop Jacks downtown. It's a little pizza place. Once we left there we couldn't decide on walking to the chili cook off or the boat show. Mobile had a lot going on this weekend downtown and it was such a pretty day to just walk around and enjoy it.
This is at the boat show. The Dauphin Island Sea Lab was there and these were real animals that were now dead. You could touch them and they still felt real. It was actually kinda gross, especially the octopus!
This is the way we carted them around downtown all day.
Playing with the sting rays.
By the time we left the boat show it was almost 5:00. Zoe wanted to come to our house. We didn't think she would really come but we put her carseat in Ryan's truck and she got in without even looking back at Sarah and Chris. They ended up coming over to and we cooked dinner and played with the kids until around 9. We were all so tired from walking and being outside all day! Zoe wanted so badly to spend the night but it was already so late and they had plans the next day so she couldn't. I don't know who was more upset about it, Ryleigh, Tanner or Zoe!
You can come stay soon Zoe!
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