Seriously, I hate cats. I've never been a cat person. Actually I've never been an animal person period, but Ryleigh loves cats. Loves them. She has wanted a kitten for months now and we wouldn't ever let her get one. Mom and Larry had a cat at their house named boots that she loved and wanted to bring home and we wouldn't let her. Well 2 Sundays ago Ryleigh and I come home from The Weddings to Brag about with Lindsey and Ryan has gotten Ryleigh a kitten.
Like a real one.
Seriously.I was so mad until I saw how incredibly happy it made her and then I wished we would have saved it until Christmas. Because that would have made a great
free Christmas gift. So in addition to the dog that we have I present to you our new kitten...Boots. (Ryleigh named her, I know she's so original!)

And this is how Boots spends most of her some form of Ryleigh making her do something she does not want to do. Tanner to. They are mean to her but in a good way. She actually tore Tanner's hand up because she wanted down and he wouldn't put her down.
Honestly though I don't know how long we will keep her before we give her away. she drives me insane and I think she is the only cat ever so refuse to use a litter box. She thinks my bedroom is one huge litter box!
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