Last night on the way home from dance
Ryleigh and I started talking about all her favorite things. So I thought I would make a list so we could look back on it one day.
My Favorite Things, By: Ryleigh Stokley
Favorite Color: Light Pink
Favorite Movie: Cars
Favorite thing to play with: Baby Dolls
Favorite Friend: Madison and Zoe
Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets
Favorite Animal: Kitty Cat
Favorite Song: Big Green Tractor by Jason Aldean (she knows all the words)
Favorite Princess: Belle
Favorite thing to help mommy with: Laundry
Favorite TV Show: Wipeout and Backyardigans
Favorite Cartoon character: Tinkerbell
Favorite thing about school: Playing outside when it's not hot
Favorite place to spend the night: at Carlee's and Go Go's
She is to funny! She wanted to keep going but I couldn't think of any other questions to ask her. I tried to do the same for Tanner when we got home but he said "I'm not a gurl, I don't have favorites." That's how he says girl.
Have a great weekend everyone, It's suppose to be beautiful!!