That’s how old my dad would be today. Man how time flies. It seems like just yesterday he was here but then it also seems like a lifetime ago he was here. I know that doesn’t make any sense but I guess since my dad left this world at a major transitioning part of my life it then makes it seem like two separate lives.
He passed away not to long after I had gotten married and exactly the day after I found out I was pregnant with Ryeligh. Oh what I would give to have him back. For him to see Ryleigh and Tanner; to let him see their faces and hear their laughs; to let him see how much Tanner looks like him and Ryleigh acts like him. I think he would be so proud of us. I think he would love them more than anything.
I’ll always remember the things that seemed so little then but are huge to me now. Like our last fathers day…we have Ryan’s family reunion ever year and Fathers Day fell on the day after that. Ryan and his family wanted to stay gone in New Orleans and not come home until Monday. Normally I would have but for some reason I told them no. I’m so thankful I did since it was my last one with my dad.
I remember wanting to go to Jamaica to get married and now I’m so thankful I didn’t. I wouldn’t change having my dad walk me down the aisle for anything.
I’ll always remember his funeral and how Tammy was strong enough to get up and speak. I’m sure he was so proud of her then, she’s always been the strong one. I remember the story Brother Mike told at his funeral about him making me cut grass with scissors and everyone laughing so hard. But more importantly I’ll always remember the story he told that day of how my dad found salvation before it was to late. I am most thankful to have this story to tell. His death would have been much harder had we not had the reassurance of where he was. This just goes to show that God’s love is everlasting and his grace is never ending.
I miss you so much Dad but I’m sure God throws the best birthday parties in heaven and I hope you have a great one!!
I love you.
This post should have contained a warning "Do not read at work!" I read this and cried my eyes out, but you say I'm just a big cry baby anyway so I guess that is nothing new.
Chuck would have been so proud of you and your family. He would love how Ryleigh acts like him and he would have so much fun teaching Tanner about the horses.
Love ya,
Tiffany -
Your dad would be so proud of you and your family! I do so enjoy your website and how you share your family with us through it.
God bless each of you!
Mrs. DeLayne
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