Friday night Ryleigh stayed with mom so she could go to Carlee's birthday party on Saturday. Tanner wasn't invited because it was an all girl princess party. So Friday night it was just me and the boys. We took Tanner to go see GI Joe at the movies. He did really good the whole time we were there. This is his 3rd movie trip and he has done great all 3 times. Ryleigh doesn't care for the movies to much. She can't sit still long enough! The movie was actually really good.
Saturday morning we got up and cleaned our yard. It looked horrible!! Here is Tanner not helping...
Ryan tore down their swingset which made Tanner very upset until he saw that it was replaced by this...
On a completely different note; the main reason I do this blog is because I'm HORRIBLE with baby books, organizing photos or scrap-booking so this is the best way I know to document our lives. The cool thing about blogging is when your done there are tons of companies who turn your blog into an actual book. They format and edit it for you. So one day Ryleigh and Tanner will be able to look back at all of this! I also wanted to tell you that the few companies I've checked into doing this also include comments in the book. So if you ever want to leave a comment about something do so that way they can read it later!
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