Monday, March 26, 2012

May the odds be ever in your favor.

I LOVED the books The Hunger Games. I seriously read all 3 in less than a week. I couldn't put them down. My house was a disaster, I hadn't done laundry in forever but I read them! They were that good. I love to read but don't find a lot of time to do it. Especially in the Winter. In the Spring and Summer I read frequently because we are at the beach so much. Well as every one in the free world knows, the movie the Hunger Games came out this past weekend and guess what, I HATED IT!

I was so excited about going. I had gotten a lot of my friends to read the books as well and they all loved them too. So we planned to all go see the movie together. Total their were 18 of us! We went and ate at Shane's Rib Shack (which I really liked, and I normally don't like BBQ places) before the movie. We then got to the movie like a hour before so we could all sit together.

I was so surprised after the movie how much I didn't like it. It wasn't because of the normal "it didn't follow the book" because for the most part it did follow the book. Except for the ending. Oh the ending, don't even get me started on the ending.

Out of 18 of us only 4 of us hated it. The rest of us for the most part liked it. All of the girls who went had read the book but only 3 of the boys had so we had all different perspectives on it. The more I thought about why I didn't like it I came to the conclusion that it was because it was SOOOOOO slow. I just felt like the beginning dragged on FOREVER. But I guess if you haven't read the books then you need all the background info...I was just really disappointed! I guess that's what I get for getting so excited! I did have a fun night with our whole group of friends.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

50th Birthday

This afternoon we had Aunt Lisa's 50th birthday party! 
 Ryleigh was totally into the party. She was decorating everything and was serving everyone their drinks. She was getting so mad at Brandon and Wesley because they weren't taking the decorating serious and they weren't doing exactly what she told them too.

 My little Tball player. I have to write a whole different post about his game and how well he played.

 Happy Birthday Aunt Lisa!! Here's to 50 more birthday's! We appreciate you so much and love you!!!

 And FYI don't mess with Mom. She has a knife and she isn't afraid to use it!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jump Jump!

We had Ryleigh and Tanner's birthday party Saturday night at Jumps A Lot. I don't know how much longer I'll get away with joint birthday parties for the 2 of them but man I love it! It's nice to just get it out of the way. It's also nice to not take up 2 of peoples Saturdays in a short amount of time. We had a great turn out we had over 30 kids and a ton of grown ups. My kids are so blessed to be loved by so many people! Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us!

This is what happens when you give the camera to Whitney and ask her to take pictures. Be thankful Aunt Lisa that I didn't include the one she took of you eating! :)

She was very excited about her sewing machine from Gi Gi! Tanner was most excited about his new DS from Mi Mi, La La, Aunt Tammy & Uncle Jimmy and Nana & Paw Paw.

After the party they each got to ask 3 friends to spend the a total of 8 kids at my house. CRAZY!!! The nice thing was that the party wasn't over until 9 so we didn't get home until 10. We played Red Rover, Duck Duck Goose, Freeze tag and hide and go seek outside until like 11:30 then they all came in and crashed. We wore them out!!

Happy Birthday to my 2 favorite kids!