Since Christmas Eve fell on a Saturday we decided to have Christmas with Mom and Larry that morning. Friday night I put 2 very excited little kids to bed! What was really fun about it was that we got to have 2 Christmas mornings. There is nothing like kids anticipation on Christmas morning. This is going to be just a ton of pictures.

So Tammy lives in Cullman, AL now so we don't get to see her often. Mom and I had both asked her to come home for Christmas but she said with their work schedule it just wouldn't work out. Well Saturday morning Ryan and I are getting the presents ready to go to moms and Ryan asked who's F150 was pulling up behind our shed. For some reason I didn't care and was just trying to get to moms. Ryan was really concerned about it but for some reason I wasn't. I had walked outside and was half way to moms when Ryan opens the front door and yells at me to come back home. I was so aggravated. he said just sit the presents down and come back real quick. I thought he needed me to help him do something so I was just getting madder and madder. Ok, Ryan I'll just sit down all these presents in the middle of the wet grass to walk back in the house. I walked back home, aggravated at him, and walked in the foyer and she comes running from our bed room! It scared me to death! I was sooooooo excited to see her!! She COMPLETELY surprised us. We literally had no idea she was coming. We then ran to moms and snuck in and surprised her too! It was a great Christmas present!!!

Nana and Paw Paw came over for breakfast at moms. It really did feel just like Christmas day.
Later in the afternoon we got dressed and headed to Ryan's Grandads.
Grandaddy with all his grandkids and great grandkids. Well just the younger ones.
We got way to many presents over there to just head to Aunt Cheryls to get even more.
I love how these 2 guys make me feel SHORT! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!
I'm doing a whole different post on our NEW PUPPY!!!!!
When we got home we got cookies out for Santa.
And fed the reindeer. A side story on he reindeer...the food was obviously still out there the next morning and Tanner said "Stupid make believe reindeer. We just wasted all that food on no one!"
We then laid out their way to many presents and headed to bed. It was such a fun day and I'm so thankful we got to spend it with our family!