Sunday, May 29, 2011

I had the best day with you today

We had the best day today. Seriously, at the end of the day all of us kept saying how fun of a day we had. We got up this morning and headed to the beach. The guys can't handle the beach for long, they get bored. So we made a deal to stay until 1.

After that we launched the boat and headed to lunch. We ate at my all time favorite restaurant Hub Stacey's. I love their food.

We then went boat riding and ended up at my friend Lindsey's beach house. Her whole family was out on the pier. So we stopped and the kids swam and fished.

Tonight we went to Allyson and Wesley's condo to eat dinner and hunt frogs.

Tanner was pretty good at catching them. Ryan and Wesley missed one that was literally as big as Tanner's head. I was really surprised that Ryleigh held one.

After we ate we all hung out and played games. My crew passed out on the couch. I think being in the sun and water from 9 am to 7 pm wore them out!!

I have some pictures and fun stories from Saturday at the river to share tomorrow. I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday's Letter

Dear Ryan, I hope you have a good 2 days of vacation away from work and your it bad that I'm really jealous??? Dear work, this has been a GREAT week!! Looking forward to many more just like this one. Dear Aunt Velvet, do you and Evan want to go see Kung Fu Panda with me and the kids tonight? I know that's one of Evan's favorite movies! Dear American Idol, I haven't watched you as much as I usually do but I love the choice of Scotty. He makes me smile. I also love Steven Tyler as a judge. The things that come out of his mouth make me laugh out loud. Dear Ryleigh, I'll admit it you are the UNO Queen. We literally have to play 10 times every night. You even beg me to invite Aunt Lisa over for dinner every night to you can rope her into playing with you. Dear4 day weekend, I heart you. Dear Lisa, contrary to what you may believe I think Ryleigh is a wonderful artist! That may fall under the same guidelines as when Tanner was a baby and I thought he was so cute when in all actuality he looked like an alien. Dear this past Sunday, you were one of my favorite days ever. Church, taking the boat out to an island, subway picnic on the island and sliding down a sand hill was the best! I love days like those. Dear Tanner, I'm glad you are feeling better. Being thrown up on at 1 am when you are dead asleep is not my idea of a good night. Dear Ryan, no Greater Love has been a great devotional book for the 2 of us. I'm looking forward to strengthening our marriage even more. Have fun scuba diving. I'm sad I won't be there to laugh at you in your scuba suit!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

ABC Graduation

Friday night was ABC's Graduation. It's primarily for the kindergarten class that is going to first grade at a new school. However all the kids perform at the graduation. Each grade level has a few songs they sing and normally the K4 class does the introduction, prayer and the pledge as well.
Please notice what Ryleigh's name is by in the program...yep, a song. Also please notice that her NAME IS THE ONLY ONE by the song! She had a SOLO!!!! I was a nervous wreck! I couldn't figure out how to put the video on here but it's on my facebook page. She did SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was a nervous wreck but she just walked up on stage and sang her song like a pro. Words cannot describe how proud we were of her!!!! She did amazing!!! I would also like to say that her bow was by far the biggest bow of them all. I was one proud momma!!!!

Tanner on the other hand...not so great of a performance. He stood there the whole time with his lip out and arms crossed. He wouldn't do any of the hand motions or sing at all. He's a mess. Afterwards when I asked him why he didn't participate he said, "I don't know why yall make me do things like that. It's dumb and for girls." Tanner, Tanner, Tanner, what are we going to do with you??

Congratulations Ryleigh Claire on your first solo performance!!! I'll have this video for whenever you become a famous singer and I can show it on E! as your first solo performance!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

ABC Kindergarten

I LOVE the school Ryleigh and Tanner attend. This is our second year at ABC and I love it more every year!! I'm sad that this was Ryleigh's last year there. Tuesday was their last day and they brought home some fun things.

Tanner made this book at school. It goes through every letter and has a picture of something he colored/made/painted on each page. It's really cute. I don't keep many things but I'll keep this. It's laminated and will hold up well.
Here are a few of the pictures from it. I love how cute it turned out. This must be something new they started this year because Ryleigh didn't do one in K3.
We also got end of the year report cards on Tuesday. I was so happy to see that Ryleigh had improved from S+ to all O's (Outstanding) but 1!! I was SOOOO proud of her!!!!!

Her only S was in coordination in printing. She starts writing so fast that she doesn't focus on doing a good job.
On the back of her report card there is a place for the teachers notes and here's what Mrs. Carter wrote about her:

Ryleigh is amazing! Not only is she fashion conscious and beautiful but she is also extremely smart! She is a product of love and good parenting. I have enjoyed having her in my class! Thank you for letting me be her teacher.

We also got Tanner's report card and guess what....He also got a few O's!!!! I know, you are as surprised as I am. He got a N (Needs Help) in counting. What's funny is he can count in Spanish better then English-Stupid Dora and Diego! (I can't stand those 2 shows and have no desire for my kids to learn any language but English. We don't live in Mexico!) (Sorry for the rant.)

I was surprised at how well he did in Social Adjustment and Work Habits. It's no secret that Tanner is not a fan of school!

Mrs. Parden wrote this about Tanner in December:

Sweet Tanner, I just love him! I hoped I would have Ryleigh's brother, lucky me!!

And then she wrote this in May:

I have really enjoyed Tanner this year. He is such a cutie and so full of life. I hope you guys have a terrific Summer!

Thank you so much ABC for the education you provide to my children. Especially Mrs. Parden and Mrs. Carter! We are so thankful for you 2 and the love and patience you display with every interaction with them. I know they can sometimes be difficult so I appreciate all you do!!! Mrs. Carter, FYI Tanner is nothing like Ryleigh so good luck with him next year!! :)

Monday, May 16, 2011


For the past 2 years most mornings before school Ryleigh goes to Curves. I have to be at work at 8 and can't drop her off at school until 8:30. So thankfully Aunt Cheryl and Mrs. Kim let me bring her by there around 7:30 and she spends the morning with them. They then walk her to school. This is beyond helpful to me because it keeps Dawn from having to take her and then turn right back around and pick her up.

They feed her breakfast for me which is also a huge help! I used to always just take oatmeal or poptarts for her but they got to where they would buy stuff for her. Like Waffles and things like that. They normally always have a treat for her too. She loves going (most mornings) and loves how all the older ladies in there always make over whatever she is wearing that day.

This morning on the way to school I realized today is Ryleigh's last day at Curves. Tomorrow is their last day of school and on Tuesdays since they both go Dawn takes them and next year she won't be going to ABC. I just wanted to tell Aunt Cheryl and Mrs. Kim how thankful I am for them helping me with Ryleigh the past 2 years. She loves you guys and coming up there. Thanks so much!!!

Also if you need a great place to work out you should check them out!!!

Curves Fitness For Women-They offer Zumba and Toning classes as well!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday's Letter

Dear Ryan, You and I haven't been on the same page this week. You've been working all week like crazy and I've barely seen you. I'm looking forward to quality time at the beach this weekend. Dear Aunt Cheryl, I can't wait to come home on Sunday to a CLEAN HOUSE!!! I think this is going to be the best Mother's Day present EVER!!! Dear Ryleigh and Tanner, I so enjoy our walks at night down the dirt road. It always reminds me of that song by Brooks and Dunn, Red Dirt Road. As much as the actual dirt on the road drives my car crazy that road will always have a special place in my heart. I love racing each other to the different mailboxes along the way and wishing on dandelions. Dear Ryleigh, no matter how many times you wish on a dandelion for me to have another baby it's not going to happen. Sorry Charlie. Dear Blogger, you have been down for 2 days and I'm really irritated by this. Thanks for at least working today. Dear Mrs. Parden, thank you for making water day at school on Tuesday. This was the only day in the entire school year that I didn't have to fight with Tanner about going to school. Can we talk to Mrs. Sowell about making everyday next year water day?? That would be great for me, thanks! :) Dear Ryan, Me+you+Ryleigh+Tanner+Beach+Sand+Sun=A Happy Stokley Family. I love you more than we love the beach!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. We had a great Mother's Day. Mine actually started on Saturday with an ENTIRE DAY all to myself!!!!!! It was GLORIOUS!!! Mom kept the kids on Saturday and Ryan had a golf tournament so I had the whole day to myself. After getting dance tickets I headed across the bay and spent the day over there. I met up with Ryan after the tournament and we went to dinner. It was a fun day! Sunday we went to church with Nana and then to Aunt Lisa's for lunch.

I made them take a picture with me since it was Mother's day. They weren't happy about it though!

Me and the best Mom in the world! I love you mom!!I love this picture of us. He never wants to take pictures either...I wonder where the kids get that from??
Is it weird that this is my favorite picture of all??? I love these 2 and their goofy personalities!

Evan sure was happy to be taking a picture with me! When I showed it to him he said he's only smiling because he was trying to say to leave him alone.

See Aunt Velvet, here is proof that Ryan does love you!! If he wasn't mean to you it would mean he didn't like you!! :)

And finally a picture of the 6 greatest moms that I've ever met. There is no one in the world quiet like this group. I love them!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday's Letter

Dear Ryan, you've asked me many times what I would like for Mother's looked puzzled every time I respond with a clean house and a whole day to spend by myself...isn't this what all Mothers want?? Dear Ryleigh, you are so excited to give me the present that you made me for Mothers Day...I want to wait until Sunday to open it though. I did however enjoy our intense conversation we had last night while waiting on the boys to get home. It always amazes me when you use words like Aggravated, astonished and perplexed. Your vocabulary is larger than mine! Dear Tanner, TBall is over. HALLELUJAH!!!!! I know you are as excited as I am. Dear above picture, this is how I feel about this week...EXHAUSTED! Dear Mom, what do you want for Mother's Day? A clean house and a day all to yourself? Done! :) Dear Something Borrowed, I'm determined to see you this weekend even if I have to go by myself. Maybe that's what I'll do on my day all to myself!! :) Dear Ryan, sorry I chickened out on you guys on Sunday. Getting up at 5:30 to ride 37 miles just didn't sound very fun to me. I am however so proud of you for finishing in the top 50! You're amazing! You'll rock the 67 mile RIDEYELLOW in a few weeks!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Ok, so Ryan and I have no artistic ability at all so I'm amazed that Ryleigh seems to. I'm obviously not a big fan of paper so I started taking pictures of their drawings to record on here. Here are some of Ryleigh's so far.

This one is her favorite animal, me (Check out my huge fingers) and a turtle.

This is a hen on eggs.
This is a self portrait that really makes me smile. My friend Tina pointed out that the bow is monogrammed. I LOVE this!!

This girl and her imagination really make me smile!