Christmas afternoon, Amy Dale, Dawn and the boys all came to our house so we could do Christmas with them I cooked lunch, an actual Christmas dinner! Complete with a ham and everything. I was slightly proud of myself since I've never cooked a whole meal like that before. And the best part is that it actually turned out really good! We did present with them and let the kids run wild for a few hours. Dawn got Ryleigh a laptop and Tanner a guitar. She got them some other things to but that was their main presents. And guess what she got me...a Vera Bradley Hipster!! (it's a purse). I've wanted it forever but couldn't justify spending that much money on myself. So between that, my camera and the Toms Ryan got me my Christmas pretty much rocked!
Amy and Ryleigh being silly. Ryleigh actually wore that stuff the stuff the rest of the day!
Ryan playing with Tan Man's guitar.
I always said once Ry and Tan got old enough to realize what was going on I was going to get a Happy Birthday Jesus cake every year. We have an actual party at Nana's but we also wanted to do something on Christmas day. I decided to wait until the afternoon so Lincoln would be there.